Our Story so far in words and pictures…..
We’d like to take this opportunity to say a BIG THANKS to every single one of you who has ever made a purchase from us or supported us in any way. It’s been a long, hard journey and we are now in 2019 – year 10, with hopefully many more years to come!!
If you love doing something and are passionate about it then go for it as you only live once and there is absolutely no point in working for money all your life if you are stressed and miserable. We may never get rich from making our surfwear but we are lucky to be living right by the sea in one of the most beautiful places in the world and hopefully making a positive impact on the people around us and our environment!
With thanks to Seimon and Andy who made the film for me. See more of their work on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQwyBrgYTgCz8DJh8GJj9g