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About our stock
We keep a range of ‘one of a kind’ garments in stock. However sometimes we may run out of certain sizes, especially if there is high demand. Please be patient, we are creating more stock to be listed all the time, so if we don’t have your size, please check back soon. We have a made to order service available also, please see below.
Alterations and commissions
Alterations can be made where possible to any of our stock, and custom items can be made to order, however, this will sometimes incur a small additional charge and will require a non refundable deposit. Please contact us for more information.
How to order
To order just choose a product and add it to your cart, you can then continue shopping or be guided through our secure payment process. If you are interested in commissioning a garment, please contact us via our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Choosing your size
Please refer to our sizing guide if you are unsure what size to order or get in touch via our contact form if you think you need more help.